launch a counterattack 意味

  • 逆襲する、反撃に出る


  1. we weren't in any kind of shape to launch a counterattack .
  2. however , while the triumphant masakado was returning to his camp , the direction of the wind abruptly reversed to the south , and the remaining allied forces , now having the windward advantage , regrouped and took the opportunity to launch a counterattack .
  3. the taira clan moved capital from fukuhara-kyo (capital of fukuhara ) to kyoto to launch a counterattack and suppressed the power of temples and shrines , such as omi-genji and nara , in kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of nara and kyoto ).
  4. finally , in 1823 , using the issuing of yokozuna licenses to ozeki (a sumo wrestler of the second highest rank ) risuke kashiwado and gakunosuke tamagaki (the fourth ) as a trigger , the family began to launch a counterattack against the yoshida tsukasa family by issuing yokozuna licenses before the yoshida tsukasa family did .
    ようやく文政6年(1823年)、大関・柏戸利助と玉垣額之助 (4代)への横綱免許交付をきっかけに立て続けに吉田司家に先んじて横綱免許を発給するなどして吉田司家への逆襲を始める。


        launch a counterattack against critics:    批評家{ひひょうか}への反論{はんろん}を開始{かいし}する
        launch a large-scale counterattack:    大規模{だいきぼ}な反撃{はんげき}を行う
        counterattack:     counterattack n. 反撃. 【動詞+】 beat back a counterattack 反撃を撃退する fend off a counterattack 反撃をかわす launch a counterattack 反撃に出る lead a counterattack against reformers 革新派に対する反撃
        to counterattack:    to counterattack 切り返す きりかえす
        brace for a counterattack:    反撃に備える
        go on the counterattack:    反撃{はんげき}を開始{かいし}する
        make a counterattack:    逆襲する
        on the counterattack against:    《be ~》~に対して反撃{はんげき}に出る
        spearhead a counterattack:    反撃{はんげき}の先鋒{せんぽう}をつとめる
        stage a counterattack to:    ~に反撃{はんげき}する
        vulnerable to counterattack:    《be ~》反撃{はんげき}を受けやすい
        by launch:    ランチで
        launch:     1launch n. 進水; 打ちあげ. 【動詞+】 hold a party to celebrate the launch of a new product 新製品の発表を祝うパーティーを開く Bad weather delayed the shuttle's launch. 悪天候でスペースシャトルの打ち上げが遅れた Our new product
        launch into:    ~を始める、~に門出{かどで}する、~に雄飛{ゆうひ}する We launched into the new year. 我々は新しい年に門出した。
        to launch:    to launch 下ろす 降ろす 下す おろす 打ち上げる うちあげる


  1. "launch a competition" 意味
  2. "launch a comprehensive effort to" 意味
  3. "launch a comprehensive inspection of" 意味
  4. "launch a conversation about a serious topic" 意味
  5. "launch a counseling room" 意味
  6. "launch a counterattack against critics" 意味
  7. "launch a counteroffensive" 意味
  8. "launch a counteroffensive with a full nuclear strike" 意味
  9. "launch a coup d'etat" 意味
  10. "launch a conversation about a serious topic" 意味
  11. "launch a counseling room" 意味
  12. "launch a counterattack against critics" 意味
  13. "launch a counteroffensive" 意味

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