we weren't in any kind of shape to launch a counterattack . 反撃する術も思い付かなかった
however , while the triumphant masakado was returning to his camp , the direction of the wind abruptly reversed to the south , and the remaining allied forces , now having the windward advantage , regrouped and took the opportunity to launch a counterattack . しかし勝ち誇った将門が自陣に引き返す途中、急に風向きが変わり南風になると、風を負って勢いを得た連合軍はここぞとばかりに反撃に転じた。
the taira clan moved capital from fukuhara-kyo (capital of fukuhara ) to kyoto to launch a counterattack and suppressed the power of temples and shrines , such as omi-genji and nara , in kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of nara and kyoto ). 平氏も都を福原京から京都に都を移して反撃に転じ近江源氏や奈良などの畿内寺社勢力を鎮圧する。
finally , in 1823 , using the issuing of yokozuna licenses to ozeki (a sumo wrestler of the second highest rank ) risuke kashiwado and gakunosuke tamagaki (the fourth ) as a trigger , the family began to launch a counterattack against the yoshida tsukasa family by issuing yokozuna licenses before the yoshida tsukasa family did . ようやく文政6年(1823年)、大関・柏戸利助と玉垣額之助 (4代)への横綱免許交付をきっかけに立て続けに吉田司家に先んじて横綱免許を発給するなどして吉田司家への逆襲を始める。